Saturday, January 5, 2013


Recently last november 2012, i d to try this food supplement for every morning after breakfast. Usually the breakfast always heavy one like nasi lemak, fried rice, fried noodles or my own man made sandwich. You know this things was introduced by my client at my workplace. He is an old man! Since we worked at construction site always under hot sun and rain, unfortunately my stamina finished in the afternoon. So he suggest to me to try this Surbex Zinc for daily intake. Firstly i refused. But then i accepted after he told me that he used this kind of supplement since got advise from his doctor. After 1 month, i felt so different! It solves my problem. The best thing is my "little brother" always hard on when woke up in the morning. Hurmmm not you have a similar experience? Just share.....

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